The Legacy of Green Spirit - V’Spirit Cruises’ Green Office

At V’Spirit Cruises, one of the members of the Incredible Asia Journeys team, we believe that environmentally friendly living starts at home. To that end, our Green Spirit philosophy emanates from our efficient office, where we have researched and enforced the greenest of initiatives in order to keep our carbon footprint to its absolute minimum.

Our task force of green-minded staff is always motivated to find new ways in which to save energy. This is not only good for our business, but also good for our souls, as every little thing that we contribute helps our minds, our country and our planet.

Green Spirit Motto

1. Energy Consumption

Electricity consumption is the largest carbon expenditure in any office. Throughout the V’Spirit Cruises office, we have several ways to save energy, including highly efficient light bulbs in every room and stickers that remind staff to turn off equipment that they are not using. The heat of Vietnam makes it highly uncomfortable to live without a fan or air conditioner, but we use these sparingly and always turn them off when we’re not in the room.

Electricity consumption is the largest carbon expenditure in V’Spirit Cruises office

2. Paper Consumption

While not quite the ‘paperless’ office we would like to be one day, V’Spirit Cruises is proud of the way in which we operate our paper policy. We always discourage printing and use electronic means whenever necessary. For the times that we do need to print, we ensure that the paper is recycled and that the printer is on duplex mode, allowing printing on both sides.

Paper is recycled on V’Spirit Cruises

3. Water consumption

As with every office that operates for the vast majority of daylight hours, the V’Spirit Cruises office consumes a fairly large amount of water. However, some small steps have led to an overall decrease in water usage by both our building and our staff. Any leaks that we find around the office are a matter of urgency and will be dealt with swiftly while cleaning the office is done less often than before our switch to the Green Spirit attitude. At ground level, our staff is encouraged in every space with taps to use less water, while the water we do use in the staff canteen is reused as water for the garden. 

Artworks from recycled materials

4. Recycling

Along with the paper and the water that we mentioned earlier, our recycling efforts also incorporate whatever other materials we have. This can be plastic, glass, tin, and even wood, with each material going in specially marked boxes addressed to their eventual recycling destinations. We even up-cycle much of our office equipment such as penholders and filing cabinets from materials that would otherwise have been thrown away.

Recycling in V’Spirit Cruises office

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